Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual




A Secondary Marketplace to Buy and Sell CRA Loans

A Secondary Marketplace to Buy and Sell CRA Loans

A Secondary Marketplace to Buy and Sell CRA Loans

Liquidity for sellers. CRA assets for buyers.
Increasing investment in underserved communities.

Liquidity for sellers. CRA assets for buyers.
Increasing investment in underserved communities.

Liquidity for sellers. CRA assets for buyers.
Increasing investment in underserved communities.

Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background

The first digital
CRA loan marketplace

Unlock capital to be able to grow originations for your institution. Seamlessly discover CRA-eligible assets available for purchase to support your CRA goals. Transact with verified counterparties at scale. All powered by Koi's digital loan marketplace.

Screenshot of the main dashboard front center with gradients
Screenshot of the main dashboard front center with gradients
Screenshot of the main dashboard front center with gradients


Sellers list
loans and gain liquidity

Sellers list
loans and gain liquidity

Effortlessly list loans on your balance sheet that you want to sell to gain liquidity. Simply upload your HMDA, 1071, etc., and we'll handle the rest. With Koi, you gain:

Effortlessly list loans on your balance sheet that you want to sell to gain liquidity. Simply upload your HMDA, 1071, etc., and we'll handle the rest. With Koi, you gain:

Effortlessly list loans on your balance sheet that you want to sell to gain liquidity. Simply upload your HMDA, 1071, etc., and we'll handle the rest. With Koi, you gain:

  • Market transparency

  • Optimal pricing

  • More liquidity


Buyers discover loans based on their CRA needs

No more chasing down brokers only to be hit with large fees. No more pounding the pavement searching for loan purchase opportunities. Move on from buying loan portfolios containing loans that don’t help you further your CRA goals.

No more chasing down brokers only to be hit with large fees. No more pounding the pavement searching for loan purchase opportunities. Move on from buying loan portfolios containing loans that don’t help you further your CRA goals.

Cater to your CRA goals

Use a basic or advanced search based on your CRA preferences (MSA, FICO, note rate, etc.) to streamline your loan discovery.

Select what you want 

As a digital aggregator for sellers’ loans, we’re able to provide buyers access to loans from diverse segments.


Simplifying the transaction process

No more headaches juggling countless bespoke contracts, data, and negotiations. We reduce these complexities so you can focus on providing impact at scale.

No more headaches juggling countless bespoke contracts, data, and negotiations. We reduce these complexities so you can focus on providing impact at scale.

No more headaches juggling countless bespoke contracts, data, and negotiations. We reduce these complexities so you can focus on providing impact at scale.


We provide standardized contracts and agreements to reduce time and cost.

Deal management

Streamline the transaction process with virtual deal room functionality.


Backed by a strong Team and Advisors

Backed by a strong Team and Advisors

Backed by a strong Team and Advisors

Our team has collective experience in fintech and AI from MIT, Harvard, Meta, Zest AI and D.E. Shaw. Through our advisors, we are supported by industry executives who've helped power Fifth Third Bank, Sofi, and Zest AI.


Increasing Investment in
Underserved Communities

Our goal is to empower financial institutions to do what they do best: extending crucial access to capital to those that need it most. Liquidity and balance sheet constrains limit this pursuit by CDFIs, MDIs, credit unions, and banks today. At the same time, banks struggle to source and purchase CRA loans at scale. By bringing transparency, liquidity, and efficiency to the CRA lending market, more loans can be extended to low- and moderate-income communities. With Koi, finding, matching with, and transacting with counterparties has never been easier.


It's time to get started with Koi

Immediate liquidity to grow origination impact for sellers. High quality, CRA-eligible loans for buyers.

Built for financial institutions • All rights reserved Koi Platforms, Inc. | Copyright© 2024

Built for financial institutions • All rights reserved Koi Platforms, Inc. | Copyright© 2024

Built for financial institutions • All rights reserved Koi Platforms, Inc. | Copyright© 2024